[HBF] Porter

Flannery, Phil phil.flannery at eds.com
Mit Sep 17 13:39:55 CEST 2003


3.60kg pale malt (oder viener)
.45 black patent (farbmalz)
.45 caramalz 10l
.23 choclate
.23 munich
56 grams Fuggles 60min.

single infusion 68°c
nachguß 76°c

OG 1.054

Farbe; 30-60 SRM

IBU 25-45 

1.8-2.5 co²

Stronger, darker version of porter with a slight dryness.  Flavor derived from chocolate and black malts, but lacks the strong roasted flavor of a dry stout.

Medium to full body, slightly dry. Well balanced, low to medium malt flavor and hop bitterness.  Dark brown to black color. Medium to no hop flavor.  Low ester, fruitiness, diacytl.  Low to med carbonation.

English malt. Dark Crystal, chocolate and black or roast malt. Traditional english ale hops and yeast.  Moderate carbonate water.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael.Schaudi at t-online.de [mailto:Michael.Schaudi at t-online.de]
Sent: 16 September 2003 07:19
To: hbf-request at lists.k-town.de; braumaillist
Subject: [HBF] Porter


ich möchte mal ein Porter brauen. Ich habe aber kein Rezept hierzu.
Kann mir da jemand aushelfen. Auch mit angabe der IBU, EBC, Maischverfahren

