[HBF] Fwd: RE: Homebrewing competition in Prague

Hubert Hanghofer hubert at netbeer.org
Do Okt 30 16:09:58 CET 2008

Werte Braugemeinde,

unsere tschechischen Kollegen veranstalten am Samstag, 13.12.2008  
einen professionell organisierten Heimbrau-Wettbewerb in Prag und  
würden sich sehr über Teilnehmer aus dem Ausland freuen.

Anbei die Details der Ausschreibung. Für Rückfragen wendet Euch bitte  
per Email an redakce at homebrewing.cz

Allzeit gut Sud!
Hubert Hanghofer

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von rlach at chello.cz -----
      Datum: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 15:31:32 +0100
        Von: Rudolf Lach <rlach at chello.cz>
    Betreff: Homebrewing competition in Prague
         An: hubert at netbeer.org

Hello Mr. Hanghofer,

This is Rudolf Lach from Prague, I am one of the Czech guys that  
visited your beer festival last weekend. We spoke shortly about a  
homebrewing competition that would take place in Prague on 13th  
December. We would be happy to have some homebrewers from abroad  
participating in our competition. Could you please put the following  
information on your homebrewing discussion board or web page? Thank  
you very much.

Kind Regards,

Homebrewing competition in Prague

Date: 13th December 2008

Beer categories:
1. Bohemian lager/pilsner
2. Weizenbier (top fermented wheat beer)
3. smoked beers (any type of beer made with smoked malt)
4. beers made from beer kits (extract beers)
5. open category (any other beers)

Beer samples: 3 liters, in bottles (can be even in plastic bottles as  
it is more convenient for mailing)

Beer delivery address:
Pivovar Kocour Varnsdorf
Rumburská 1920
497 47 Varnsdorf
Czech Republic

Registration details:
Participant's full name and address
Beer Category
Additional info about the beer (specific beer style in
categories 3 - 5)

Registration details should be sent in advance to
redakce at homebrewing.cz

There is also a possibility to deliver beers on the day of competition  
by 11:00. The competition takes place in the School of Food  
Technology, Podskalska 10, Praha 2.

For further information please contact redakce at homebrewing.cz

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