Betr.: RE: [HBF] Bock questions
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
grog at
Mit Feb 11 09:06:05 CET 2004
On Wednesday, 4 February 2004 at 15:13:48 -0000, Phil Flannery wrote:
> **Here in Canada we can buy Holsten Maibock and Holsten Festbock.**
> Just a stab in the dark, but I'd say that Holsten Maibock is
> probably only sold in Niedersachsen, and Holsten Festbock would be
> sold further South. I believe the Holsten brewery is in Hamburg,
> which is Niedersachsen (a German state in the North)
Hamburg is in Hamburg. It's a city state.
Why is everybody speaking English on this list?
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