[HBF] Bock questions

Thorsten Barkmann Thorsten.Barkmann at t-online.de
Don Feb 5 09:48:13 CET 2004

Hallo Gordon,

The hometown of bockbeer were the town Einbeck in northern Germany southern of 
Hannover and Hildesheim. Ther the beer were called "Bier einpockischer Art". 
The bavarians liked that beer much and tried to recreate it by their 
own in about more than 100 Jears. But they could´nt make it. So they hired a 
brewer from the brewery in Einbeck and so they could make it. Now they called it 
Bock and this beer became popular.
The collour of bockbeer reaches from golden over golden brown to brown.
In southern Germany this beer is more dark and in northern Germany it is more 
bright. The beer is a product that has it´s seasons and motivations. So as 
Maibock (easter) and Festbock (Christmast).   
This type of meer were brewed in mediaeval by the monks but the did´nt called it 
bockbeer. I think they called it strong beer. It were brewed for the times wehen 
they should not eat (Fastenzeit) but drinking was allowed.
Doppelbock hat eine Stammwürze von 18°P, Bockbier 16°P. Bock in bavaria is for 
example called Salvator or someting with -ator at the end of the word. It is 
brewed for the fith time in the year between Aschermittwoch und Karfreitag when 
half of the Fastenzeit is done. Then the tradition of Starkbierzeit begins by 
the Paulaner brewery on the Nockherberg in the east of Munich with somethin we 
call Bieranstich. The outlay of a fass of beer is crashed in a wooden fass by a 
big wooden hammer to open it. The whole city comes to drink this beer. It is an 
event like the Oktoberfest but not as well - known.

Kind regards